Friday, August 8, 2014

A New Plan

So I sit here and think about my future in farming and I decide that I need a solid plan. So I will start off with a 1 year plan. The plan is simple. I keep my current job as its a guaranteed income. To get income, I will start off with 10 CSA customers a week supplying vegetables from the first week of May through October. I will charge $20 a week for a bag of produce that is currently available. Any other produce that is grown will be sold on a roadside stand and through facebook. The crops that I focus on will be popular and will be a higher dollar return. Like corn is very cheap and takes a lot of space to grow. So it is not a good choice. Space is a big consideration when choosing crops. I don't have a bunch of space so I will be limited in what I can grow. I'm going to break the season down into three groups. Early, Regular, and Late season planting periods. In the early season I will focus on the following:

1) Lettuce
2) Radishes
3) Kale
4) Spinach
5) Snap Peas
6) Beets
7) Broccoli
8) Assorted Herbs
9) Cabbage
10) Collards

The regular season will focus on:

1) Tomatoes
2) Cucucmbers
3) Carrots
4) Onions
5) Leeks
6) Garlic
7) Swiss Chard
8) Summer Squash
9) Peppers

The late season will focus on a mix of both early and regular season crops. Now that doesn't mean I won't throw other crops in there. Herbs will be a huge focus and are great in cooking.  These seasons don't reflect when a crop is planted. I understand that you question how I can grow so much in a smaller area. The answer is simple. Planning and more planning. Every square foot has to be planned out and no space can be left to sit idle. At least I have a start in my planning for next year.

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