Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Garden Tour #1

Today I'm going to take you on the first tour of the garden. As you can tell from the pictures, I'm growing a lot of plants in containers. The number one reason that I am doing this is because its a lot easier than tilling. Now I didn't say cheaper. But, there are still costs either way. I will reuse this soil next year and I will show you how. I will admit, I tried container gardening last year and I didn't do good at all. I did aa lot of research over the winter and I feel that I will be far more successful this year. So far I have tomatoes, peppers, and squash in containers. Yes, the grow bags count as containers. To each container I have added one tablespoon of an insoluble fertilizer. Its something like 12-10-10. So if you use 5-5-5 go to two tablespoons. Then every other week, use a soluble fertilizer organic or not. I would go with a quarter strength fertilizer at first. You don't want to burn your plant. So far I have bought all of these plants at work. That doesn't mean that I won't grow some of my own. These plants just gave me a head start. I just noticed that I didn't include pictures from my earth garden. I will make a separate post on it. Don't let having no space stand in your way of gardening. This season I do plan  on doing videos. First off, I don't have nerves of steel. So I need to get over that.

I hope that you will follow me through this gardening season.