Wednesday, April 3, 2013


It is such a nasty day outside. So I spent some time planning today. This is our first year going full scale on a market garden. Next year we would like to launch a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). A CSA is where people buy shares and in turn receive a bag of produce each week of whatever is available. So this year we want to start small and see if anyone would be interested in purchasing a bag of vegetables every week. The vegetables would be whatever is available to harvest plus extras from time to time. A CSA is normally paid up front, but this year we're going to let people pay each week when they pick it up. What are your thoughts on this or if you have any ideas for us?

Monday, April 1, 2013

I went away for the Easter weekend and I came home and two flats of my seeds have came to life! I left them in the tunnel since I would be away and could not turn the light on for them.